Healthy Heart Hawthorn Extract

from $18.00

.:.Ethically & Sustainably WildHarvested with Gratitude in Cascadia Pacific NorthWest.:.

This antioxidant-rich berry (& leaf and flower) is well-known for its heart- healing capacity. It supports healthy circulation & cardiovascular function, various other heart conditions, and a strengthening of the heart muscle.


Wild Harvested Hawthorn Berries and Leaves, Organic PNW GF Potato Vodka, and Gratitude


These statements have not been evaluated or tested by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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.:.Ethically & Sustainably WildHarvested with Gratitude in Cascadia Pacific NorthWest.:.

This antioxidant-rich berry (& leaf and flower) is well-known for its heart- healing capacity. It supports healthy circulation & cardiovascular function, various other heart conditions, and a strengthening of the heart muscle.


Wild Harvested Hawthorn Berries and Leaves, Organic PNW GF Potato Vodka, and Gratitude


These statements have not been evaluated or tested by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

.:.Ethically & Sustainably WildHarvested with Gratitude in Cascadia Pacific NorthWest.:.

This antioxidant-rich berry (& leaf and flower) is well-known for its heart- healing capacity. It supports healthy circulation & cardiovascular function, various other heart conditions, and a strengthening of the heart muscle.


Wild Harvested Hawthorn Berries and Leaves, Organic PNW GF Potato Vodka, and Gratitude


These statements have not been evaluated or tested by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.